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The Vampire: The Masquerade podcast logo, Blood & Syrup.


Vampire: The Masquerade 5E

When a high-profile assassination leaves Montreal without a vampiric ruler, British ex-gangster Ridley Beef, detective Everett Fry and inspirational poet Iris Dunn - all recently turned Kindred - are sent to establish order at all costs by two vampire syrup barons. But when one of their own is attacked, things get messy - and blood and syrup will be spilled!

Our HeroeS

Smooth Rock Texture

Ridley Beef

Ryan LaPlante - he/him

A portrait of Ridley Beef, the british gangster.

A foul-mouthed British gangster turned vampire who leads a biker gang known as “The Bear Boys”. (he/him)

Smooth Rock Texture

Everett Fry

Tyler Hewitt - he/him

A portrait of Everett Fry, a homicide detective.

A homicide detective, originally from Texas, who’s deeply uncomfortable with the darker side of being a vampire. (he/him)

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Iris Dunn

Megan Miles - she/her

A portrait of Iris Dunn, a poet from Chicago.

A feminist poet from Chicago who’s hoping to use her fame to her vampiric advantage. (she/her)

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Tom McGee - he/him

A portrait of our Vampire the Masquerade Storyteller, Tom McGee.

The mind behind the night and voice of all things spooky.

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